Supporting & Caring for
So you want to show your beautiful Japanese Spitz - Great!! Read On.
You can enjoy the world of showing your dog in many different ways:-
You can start by showing your dog at your local Ringcraft Classes where you will be introduced into the techniques of presenting your dog both stood at your side and also examined on the judges bench . . .
A very brief History . . .
The Japanese Spitz is more than just a gorgeous white fluffy dog that looks great in the show ring. Whilst breed showing is a very rewarding pastime, it isn't for everybody and there are many other disciplines in which they excel, from Obedience to Heelwork-to-music and Rally to Agility. These pages are aimed at providing an introduction to agility.
About Japanese Spitz
Welcome to our breed and welcome to our club - The Japanese Spitz is an endearing small white dog that wins the hearts of all that meet it, in fact it is true that a Jap Spitz owner can rarely walk their dog without being greeted with one or more of the following comments:- "What a beautiful dog";
"How do you keep it so white?"; "What breed is that dog?"; and, inevitably "What did it cost?";
all these to the extent that a typical 'dog-walk' can take up to 50% longer than you might expect.
The Northern Japanese Spitz Club is here to support all Jap Spitz owners throughout the UK and to provide them with an environment in which they can share the special relationships that they have with their dogs and also to share best practices that exist within the breed.
We also report on show successes and other developments within the breed and our developing relationship with The Kennel Club.
So welcome to our web pages, please take the time to browse our site and enjoy the dialogue, comments, and images that you will find here. If you wish to comment or add to our site then please feel free to contact our club secretary or our webmaster.